Sunday, December 7, 2008

Weird Day

Today was a weird day. It was a great day because we finally took Owen to church. He did really good, although half way through the sermon, I took him out to the lobby because we could tell that he was about to get upset. It has been over a month since we were at church, so it was great to be back. Owen will get his shots at his 2 month check up and we'll put him in the nursery after that. I wonder how I'll handle leaving him in the nursery???

Today was also a sad day because we got word this morning before we left for church that an HPD officer was shot and killed this morning. Ben did not know the officer personally, but did know of him. I watched the news at 9:00 tonight to see if they had more information, but decided that was probably not the best thing for me to watch. I usually don't worry about Ben at work but when things like this happen it reminds me that anything can happen out there...but I know God is in control and is watching over him all the time. And when I think about it, Ben is more likely to get hurt doing all the dumb stuff he does than for something to happen at work--haha.


Sada said...

What a beautiful family. I'm so glad you guys got to church -- you needed it that day for sure!!

BJ was the first responder to the police officer. He was very sad/upset about it. He said it will probably be one of the most significant calls he ever makes.

NanaBlue said...

I also thought of Ben when I heard the news. I'm thankful Ben is safe and so sad for Officer Abernathy's family.

Anonymous said...

Now I can leave a comment -- Yahoo has an "anonymous" choice. I am really enjoying seeing your pictures. I see Papa Craig and he is certainly the proud granddad. God bless you, Amy. God has truly blessed you with a precious family -- and you make a beautiful mother. Grammy (Sada's mom, Landon's Grammy)